
TeXDelimited["startDelim", expr1, expr2, ..., "endDelim"]
converted to TeX gives:
with expri converted to TeXForm.
  • The following options can be given:
"BodyConverter"ToString[#1,TeXForm]& function used to convert expressions, between delimiters, to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X. This function should accept one argument and return a string
"BodySeparator""\n"string inserted between expressions given between delimiters
"DelimSeparator""\n"string inserted between delimiters and body of delimited environment
"Indentation"" "string added after each newline character inside body of delimited environment
TeXDelimited can be nested:
With "BodyConverter" set to ToString[#1, TeXForm]& (default value) expressions given as body of delimited environment are converted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X:
With "BodyConverter" set to any function, expressions given as body of delimited environment are passed to this function before joining with other strings building TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X form of expression:
With "BodySeparator" set to "\n" (default value) expressions given as body of delimited environment are separated by newline characters:
With "BodySeparator" set to any string, expressions given as body of delimited environment are separated by this string:
With "DelimSeparator" set to "\n" (default value) delimiters are separated from body of delimited environment by newline characters:
With "DelimSeparator" set to any string, delimiters are separated from body of delimited environment by this string:
With "Indentation" set to " " (4 spaces - default value) all newline characters inside body of delimited environment have added 4 spaces:
With "Indentation" set to any string, all newline characters inside body of delimited environment have this string added behind them:
TeXDelimited can be used to define formatting using Format:
Assign TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X formatting for a function:
Formatting is used when function is converted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X: