Customizing TeX conversion

TeXVerbatimconverted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X returns its argument verbatim
TeXDelimitedconverted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X returns delimited environment with body converted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X
TeXCommandconverted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X returns TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X command possibly with arguments
TeXEnvironmentconverted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X returns environment with body converted to TAdjustmentBox[E, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5, BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}]X

Functions that can be used to customize TeX conversion.

Import package:
Click for copyable input
Define custom TeX formatting for some symbols:
Click for copyable input
Use TeXForm to convert expressions to TeX:
Click for copyable input